Saturday, May 8, 2010

God Is Within Us All

Religion is not Gods way. Our true God is a benevolent God that is hurt by the way man has taken his pure world and destroyed the legacy of peace and love that he had hoped man would cultivate instead of hate, anger and control. Anyone can control but the act of giving in to a fellow human is a pure act of self sacrifice for the better of our fellow beings.

Man has ruled this planet selfishly and without regard to others, our environment and those who watch over us. Living in harmony with our environment leads us to live in harmony with each other. We need our environment just as much it needs us. You need me just as much as I need you. Selfishness is a sin that only brings into being the contrary of what our selfish behaviours is attempting to amass in the first place. Unconditional love, understanding and living for the good of others will only lead to us living a better life for all and not a few. We are all God’s chosen people.

God is watching. He is neither in the stone nor wood of our churches. (find passage in the bible that you learned this from) He is not in the offering we make. God is not in the priest, or government, or in who we consider to me model citizens. God is the good that exists in all and needs to be cultivated in order to truly better our world. The kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21) God is in the benevolent acts we are inspired to act upon. If we all acted unselfishly there would be no sense in selfishness.

Religion was created by man to control and to repress. It is time that we make efforts serious efforts to show those in control that we are not here to abide by their sins and transgressions. War in the name of god is blasphemous. War is blasphemous. We do not need to fight over control of resources. Are we not intelligent enough as people that we can work to find ways to make the most of our resources and share with those that are not in the position to attain what is necessary to live a comfortable and healthy life while educating them to be self sufficient? We need to simply devise ways to share fairly all that is needed for the betterment of human kind. History has shown time and time again how cruelty, selfishness and greed for power only lead to death and destruction of all forms. Rise up and show we are here to love and foster environments of sharing in order to progress for the common good and NOT for the gain of a few.

The more I educate myself the more my heart aches at what is tolerated on our planet. Respect is lacking in our world. Diversity is beautiful and interesting not something to be afraid of. Challenging and educating one on what is out there in our world will lead to a better understanding amongst all. When we can identify and appreciate our differences we will uncover our common ground.

God is here and everywhere. The most precious part of what religion should be is our personal relationship with God. God yearns for us to reach out to him for understanding and to show our gratitude for all the gifts we altogether already possess regardless of who and what you are and where you live. We all have many things to be thankful for.

We need to stop taking the bible as the literal word of God. The Bible is a literary work that has been translated over and over to somewhat cloud its meaning from the original men who came up with it in the first place. The bible (or any holy book) should merely serve as a guideline on how to live your life. I do not believe in any story in the bible because man has written it. I do believe some of these stories serve as good lessons for all on how to live a better life in the service of others not in service of the church.

We do not need a church, bible or others to know about our faith in order to live our lives in a favourable light to God. Our personal relationship with God is more than sufficient to lead noble and honest lives. God is within me, with in you and everywhere always. Give to others simply to help others and God will smile.

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