Friday, August 6, 2010

America, Get Your Shit Together!

By now everyone regardless of their socioeconomic background has already been affected in some way by the current tough economic times that demand change in order to survive. Everyone is complaining about shrinking jobs, expecting the government to solve our economic problems, and more and more US companies outsource everything overseas. The time for change is upon US.

Yes, our job market is bad and getting worse, but why? Many jobs are being shipped overseas in order for the Parent company (more than half the time not even a US based company) to save money on wages and manufacturing. At what expense? China is growing at the same rate that our manufacturing economy is shrinking. This is not just a coincidence. The US manufacturing sector needs to quickly adapt and reconstruct all of our businesses. One of lessons which my professors at AIU London ingrained in my mind while studying for my MBA is that not the biggest company always wins, it’s the firms which are fastest to adapt to the changing market, industry, customer, etc. succeed in the short and long run. Did no one else in the entire US manufacturing sector ever here of this? Get your stuff together! Find out what you need to cut or get rid of in order to stabilize your firms’ books and go back to the drawing board. What can we change about what we do in order to compete domestically first and then globally? Do we need to change what we manufacture in order to survive!? Smaller US manufacturers need to realize that they can compete on the international stage despite their smaller size. Drastic measures are needed if any manufacturing is going to be kept here in the US.

We as Americans need to realize in every area of our lives we need to rethink and adapt to what we are accustomed to. Yes, in some ways this means having to change our lives, what we buy, where the products we buy come from, etc. We need to buy green products that are manufactured in the US. If it is not made here then Canada, Central/South America, Europe, Africa and finally if there is no other alternative, fine, China. We must support whatever manufacturing is currently being produced in the US.

The more the government bails out industries the more we risk of our government not being able to hold up their end of these deals. Contrary to what many Americans think our government is not impervious to failure. We have failed before and we will fail again. This is one of the facts of success. Will we take the difficult steps today in order to minimize these future failures? The US relies too much on reactionary policies to all of our problems instead of reacting to stabilize and understand the issue and then change/plan for the future in order to better avoid future breakdown.

I’m tired of every time someone comes up with a decent idea in order to keep jobs domestically the “corporation” comes back and states that this will hinder their international competitiveness and/or relations. International competiveness? How about the domestic welfare of our workers, their families, their interests and the future of our nation? Corporations may be separate legal entities but a conscience needs to be part of this entity.

We need to adapt to current industry conditions in order to be more competitive on an international level while creating policies and business practices to protect our national economy. Does this sound like protectionist ideals? Yes! Since when did it become such a big deal for the US to have protectionist laws when more than half of the rest of the world (including China and many of our allies) have laws to promote and protect their domestic manufacturing over internationally imported goods? Why do so many US law makers feel so over protective of other countries rights when we are neglecting our own? It is time that we stop making laws to accommodate Multi-Nationals and start protecting and promoting US domestic manufacturing. A country with week manufacturing is a weak country. Ask any third world country.

The US needs to inconvenience some of our so called allies in order to protect ourselves. What happen to the age old saying of take care of yours first? I’m not stating that we need to begin to create war over control of resources in order to further our agendas, oh wait! We are still in an “Oil War” for that very reason. I do not condone war, but if we were going to go into imperialist war to better our interests in the global economy, then where are the benefits? Ah, that’s right, in the bank accounts, homes and assets of richest. I miss the days of the Rockefeller, Ford, Morgan, Vanderbilt, etc. and the other billionaire captains of industry that not only was it their purpose to grow their business as much as possible but was to actually contribute to better our nation and economy. Now the billionaires are overseas and those that actually live in the US don’t care about our national welfare and economy as long as they continue reap the rewards at the expense of the American people.

I have always been a proud American and continue to be, but in the past decade I have been continually let down by the people who are in a place to make a difference. Innovation, embrace of change, sacrifice and measured protectionist policies will lead to our nation’s salvation. As part of the newer generations of American business people, I am ready to lead by example. Are you ready to do your part?

Rev. Dr. Oyorra Solrac Ph.D.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ambiguity Rains

Most people are faced with regrets or challenges in their life which they ignore or they make decisions out of fear. We ignore a situation we know we need to face. We allow fear to cloud our judgment when we already know our correct choices. Fear won’t let us have the courage to take the leap that we know is needed. Most people who have these worries are lucky because at least at some level they already know the correct choice of action. Whether they take the correct action or not is irrelevant.

When we have a lack of choice and direction is when fear is immaterial and misery prevails. I am not afraid to make the correct decision. What is the truthful path? I am willing to leap off the correct building if I knew what neighborhood I’m supposed to be in. I yearn for a purpose. I ache for a reason. Where do I go? What do I do? Who can we really trust? Why I am so willing to make a determination when I feel I have no facts?
Negativity reins but it does not permeate every facet of my being. There are admitted faults but value is still appreciated. Yearning to share the most sacred and common emotion inundates my being. My deficiency of focus and bearing commands dejection. The road to fulfillment has been overgrown by life. Time is meager and ambiguity rains.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

God Is Within Us All

Religion is not Gods way. Our true God is a benevolent God that is hurt by the way man has taken his pure world and destroyed the legacy of peace and love that he had hoped man would cultivate instead of hate, anger and control. Anyone can control but the act of giving in to a fellow human is a pure act of self sacrifice for the better of our fellow beings.

Man has ruled this planet selfishly and without regard to others, our environment and those who watch over us. Living in harmony with our environment leads us to live in harmony with each other. We need our environment just as much it needs us. You need me just as much as I need you. Selfishness is a sin that only brings into being the contrary of what our selfish behaviours is attempting to amass in the first place. Unconditional love, understanding and living for the good of others will only lead to us living a better life for all and not a few. We are all God’s chosen people.

God is watching. He is neither in the stone nor wood of our churches. (find passage in the bible that you learned this from) He is not in the offering we make. God is not in the priest, or government, or in who we consider to me model citizens. God is the good that exists in all and needs to be cultivated in order to truly better our world. The kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21) God is in the benevolent acts we are inspired to act upon. If we all acted unselfishly there would be no sense in selfishness.

Religion was created by man to control and to repress. It is time that we make efforts serious efforts to show those in control that we are not here to abide by their sins and transgressions. War in the name of god is blasphemous. War is blasphemous. We do not need to fight over control of resources. Are we not intelligent enough as people that we can work to find ways to make the most of our resources and share with those that are not in the position to attain what is necessary to live a comfortable and healthy life while educating them to be self sufficient? We need to simply devise ways to share fairly all that is needed for the betterment of human kind. History has shown time and time again how cruelty, selfishness and greed for power only lead to death and destruction of all forms. Rise up and show we are here to love and foster environments of sharing in order to progress for the common good and NOT for the gain of a few.

The more I educate myself the more my heart aches at what is tolerated on our planet. Respect is lacking in our world. Diversity is beautiful and interesting not something to be afraid of. Challenging and educating one on what is out there in our world will lead to a better understanding amongst all. When we can identify and appreciate our differences we will uncover our common ground.

God is here and everywhere. The most precious part of what religion should be is our personal relationship with God. God yearns for us to reach out to him for understanding and to show our gratitude for all the gifts we altogether already possess regardless of who and what you are and where you live. We all have many things to be thankful for.

We need to stop taking the bible as the literal word of God. The Bible is a literary work that has been translated over and over to somewhat cloud its meaning from the original men who came up with it in the first place. The bible (or any holy book) should merely serve as a guideline on how to live your life. I do not believe in any story in the bible because man has written it. I do believe some of these stories serve as good lessons for all on how to live a better life in the service of others not in service of the church.

We do not need a church, bible or others to know about our faith in order to live our lives in a favourable light to God. Our personal relationship with God is more than sufficient to lead noble and honest lives. God is within me, with in you and everywhere always. Give to others simply to help others and God will smile.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Family, Friends, God and Me

Extraordinary lurks behind walls of fear and self repression

The constant battle of good vs evil encompasses and tires my soul

Society’s suppressive system strangles stimulus to step forward

Different is beautiful, Different is normal, Normal is insanity

The simplest of quests, which others achieve often without trying, mocks my yearning

Happiness grows, happiness is illegal, and common sense is relative to he who holds the strings

Constant yearning chomps the core

Hunger for truth, inevitability unfolds

Ache for understanding rains

Mourning mediocrities monotony masticates my mind

Morality’s truth is relative to man’s time

Decisions abound in our everyday doom dehydrate my character

Decisive defecation derived during daily doses of depression

Fuel for perseverance is replenished through love

Family, friends, God and Me

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Awakening Subconscious

The Awakening Subconscious explores themes of rebirth, growth, self-healing and the evolution of self. The central female figure blinks taking her first steps back into the physical and tangible world. She seems vulnerable and exposed, yet she is ready to leave the safety of her voluntary seclusion. It is the end of the cold still winter and the hibernation of her slumbering soul is anxiously waiting to be awakened. She is exposing her big bright eyes to the vivid spectrum of overwhelmingly beautiful colors surrounded by layers of lifelike shadows fading and growing in every brilliant shade of indigo and blue. Dreamlike visions are abstract and blurred, coming into focus, and then revealing the details of a familiar palatable memory of the past. She discovers clarity from the chaos of thoughts which cloud the constant traffic inside her blossoming mind. Always moving in days of life and never resting in the realm of a requiem of dreams. She processes the world of emotions and sensations that exist in reality, the unconsciousness and in the depths of her imagination. Cautiously holding on, yet knowing when to elegantly let go. She escapes the harsh realities of the world feeling the powerful rush of release into harmony. Inevitably floating towards a transcendent and static state of enlightenment while realizing that your state of mind is the authentic key to genuine fulfilment is where she exists.

The soothing wind breathes life into the swaying trees restoring a delicate balance. The aromatic flowers blossom once again as each petal is slowly yawning, stretching and peeling away from the protected stigma of the sweetest intoxicating pollen. The golden yellow daffodils are the quintessential symbol of the end of the dreary and desolate winter months. It is the sign that new beginnings are on the horizon of spring. A transpiring heightened sense of intense awareness manifests all magnificent beauty around you entering an ethereal state of nirvana. The blue wet rain washes away the soil of the past and brings new life for the garden to blossom and grow. Seeds expand in the ground reaching up through the rich fertile facade of soil always drawn towards the warmth of the glowing sun. Each leaf escapes the cool, damp and dark world below. Slowly venturing towards the unknown while keeping its roots protected and nourished underground with eyes and hearts wide open. The first steps into warmth and out of the shadows, we discover the soul’s salvation.

By: Rochelle Fox

Friday, February 19, 2010


I run, it follows

I fight, it wins

I smile, it returns

I go down, it takes me lower

I win a battle, it wins the war

I feel, it hurts

I dream, it crushes

I hope, it doesn’t care
When there is absence of light...

There is a demon inside that I fear I cannot control. He is intelligent, ruthless, and never ceases. He can take the most beautiful, serene, and honest moment and turn it into hell. He can make me want to pack up and quit on a whim at any moment and situation in my life. He takes any moment of self-respect and nullifies whatever confidence may be felt. He assures that sorrow, helplessness, and despair are never but a wave of emotions away. Very few things can overcome him (even if for the briefest moments) except self awareness and never ending understanding from those around me (which to date doesn’t exist). He causes me to lie, steal, treat others unkind, and never to be satisfied. To date, the will power I possess is no match for his callous omnipresent tentacles. He understands my true deepest desires and goals and assures that these are the accomplishments furthermost from experiencing. The only solace I can confide is in the music that sweeps my emotions away (even if for just a couple of minutes). The music’s intoxicating veil lifts my soul and sheds light on the dark demon momentarily allowing my soul to briefly escape the dark side. The music always reveals our exaggerated fears and insecurities and our authentic self. But, alas, there is no match for the demons merciless thirst for self destruction. I have often felt a surreal sense of being out of body when the demon takes over. I can see what is happening as it occurs but I have no control of his appalling actions. Once I repopulate my actions the instantaneous feeling of guilt and regret render me in capable of being productive or expressive in any manner. The irony of it all is that when the demon is in control it is nothing of what I consider my true self, yet when he arrives no one is spared and I can confide in no one. The demon guarantees abstinence of light so Anhedonia permeates my soul.

Not As Crazy As He May Seem...

Today I began my day, like many days, checking the news on the home page of and I was greated by a disturbing picture of a damaged building.

I read on about Jow Stack. Joe was considered, well, to be an average Joe by many of his friends, family and coworkers. Apparantly Joe was upset with the IRS. We can all relate to being frustrated with our government and especialy the IRS. Well, Joe apparantly couldn't take the IRS typical cold and unepathetic stance on their laws and guidlines and Joe flew a plane into a building in Austin, Texas were some of the local IRS offices are (pictured above).  I do not condone risking others peoples lives in order to make a point. But, I think if we all can take a empathetic moment and put our selves in his shoes we might understand.

Joe had atempted to start several busniess in CA that failed and in two particular years he didnt file taxes. Joe said he didnt file taxes because he didnt make any money, but the IRS didnt care that he didnt have any earnrings to be taxed, so so he received fines for not filing taxesfor which he owed no taxes. Making a really long story short.... Joe was recently approached by the local IRS tax office with threats of freezing his bank accounts, assets, and his home in Austin, TX. Like I said before, his method is questionable, but we can all understand the feeling of hoplessness. Like any animal, when we are pushed against a wall and we feel we have no way out we attack.

My entire point in writting about this is not to condone violent acts in order to attempt to prove points, but its that I feel our government has grown so big and powerful that they bully its citizens daily. Our country was founded on principles that were clearly established in order not to allow a large centralized government entity (be it a monarchy or capitalistic toltalitarian dictatorship) from running our everyday lives. Over time, the government has used our fears and money to gain more and more control untill we no longer live in a free society. Are we really free?

Can we pick up and move across the world? Can we chose to live our lives as a reclouse lost in the mountains not paying taxes or wanting to interact with the rest of society? Can we chose what high school, prep school, or university to go to? The answer to all of these really is no. We have the illusion that we can make choices in our lives, but the reality is the government and its interests have limited our choices to what they want us to decide. Drug companies, insurance companies, oil, special interest groups, etc. have all taken over our government, our lives, and our freedom. Money and power decides all, and money is power. Our former president ran several companies in to the ground, had several arrests for DUI and drugs, the first lady killed a man!!!!yet still made it to the highest office in our government. This is an excellent example how people who actually care do not make a difference only the highest bidder gets to make decisions.
Finally back to Joe...Joe took an extreeme act as an excersize of the only voice of true freedom that he could find. I do not condone what he did but I surely understand his frustrations and discontent with the state of affairs in or freedomless lives.
What would our forefathers say about our lives now?
Joe Stack...RIP

To read the full aricle this was based on visit: