There is a lot more to our lives and our surroundings than most of us except. I know that this is not a new concept, but we dismiss too many things in our lives as coincidence, hallucinations, drugs, alcohol, stress, etc. I have had so many things happen to me that seem impossible and indescribable that led me to truly believe that there is a lot more going on than what we realize. We are a bit too full of ourselves and of our accomplishments over time. I do not want to diminish many amazing discoveries and technologies that have been made a reality, but there is way more that we don’t know than what we do know. We have only discovered I’m guessing around 1% of outer space. We have yet been to the depths of our oceans! There are many scientific discoveries, theories, or principles that we assume are factual, but I know we will discover over the approaching years many of them are actually skewed from the reality we will discover. Humanity has been around for a lot longer than science has proved to be “true”, and just because they didn’t have computers does not mean that previous civilizations didn’t have technology that was just as advanced or even more advance than we currently enjoy. Unfortunately, time, nature, and man has destroyed most of the evidence of past brilliance that has already existed on this planet.
We only use a very small percentage of our brains! I believe that if we had nearly full function, or control, of our brain power that we would be able to communicate fully without words between humans, animals, the unborn, undead, and who knows what else. I have seen first hand evidence that we almost know nothing of our lives and capabilities. Imagination is one of the only sources of allowing our minds to think outside of the box that our families, churches, teachers, governments, societies, etc. confine us to. Our past, present, and even futures are often dictated by these confining forces. If we can rise above our situations and realize that our lives and universe are boundless. There is no such thing as impossible, never, or no. We are capable of achieve light-years more than even I realize we are capable of. I think it is hard or unfavourable for us as human beings to realize how insignificant we really are in the grand scheme of it all. In another three to five thousand years there will be almost none or no evidence of our lives, technology, accomplishments, etc. No one wants to grasp the notion that we are as significant or not as in control of our lives and future as we all pretend to be, but this is no reason to fear the unknown. The unknown will bring us much closer to the truths of our universe and ourselves. All we can do is maintain a relentless pursuit of truth and do the best with what we have at any moment in our lives. Happiness, wealth of any sort, and many other things are just a matter of changing our thought pattern. If we truly believe that we have everything we need and anything else we might desire will come when the time is right then we already can enjoy this feeling of wholeness many of us pursue.
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